Hargraves Pipe Organs have completed the onsite cleaning and overhaul of the historic 1875 Mackenzie organ in St George’s Anglican Church, Flemington.
The overhaul included:
- Fitting of a new blower (The existing forge blower was so noisy the Hall could not be used whilst the organ was running!)
- Removal of the flaking “Hammertone” paint from the façade pipes (revealing traces of the original diapering)
- Gilding of façade pipe mouths
- Reconstruction of the missing turned case finials and corner brackets (based upon the examples found at St Monica’s, Footscray)
- Casework cleaning and repair.
- Rebuttoning and adjustment of the action.
- Refelting of the Pedalboard.
- Modification to the Pedal Bourdon action to allow better access for maintenance.
- Regulating of the Pipework to its best musical effect.
This work has allowed this organ to shine in what is a perfectly matched building for this instrument.

“Praise for the improvement in the instrument”
Alan Morse, Organist of St George’s Flemington
Future works may include reconstruction of the Swell shutters.